Book Log (Picture Books, Traditional Tales, and Poetry)
González, X. & Garcia, A. M. (2022). Where wonder grows. New York, NY: Cinco Punto Press. Genre: Children's Picture Book Summary: A group of young grand-daughters follow their grandmother into her garden. What awaits inside is a collection of Earth materials like crystals, rocks, seashells, and meteorite bits. Each have a name. All tell a story. The story is that we are all connected to the Earth and our power is great because of it. Comments: The characters in the book are ones we know - grandmother and grandchild. The relationship is depicted by the youth in the children’s faces and the way they circle around the grandmother and give their full attention to her as she teaches them. The illustrations in this book are rich with detail and show the movement of the grandmother and her granddaughters through the garden. The colors are deep and rich emphasizing the life and vibrancy of both the people and the objects on the pages. I dea for Library Programming: Make your ...