Hello + Welcome!

Hey all! My name is Mrs. D and I am currently a GLIS student at the University of Rhode Island. I hoping to one day be a children's librarian and act as a liaison between a public library and the schools within its community in order to give children more access to more materials. I am a firm believer that access to information is crucial for becoming a life long learner. Have that being said, I know it to be true that there are many obstacles in the way to retrieve varied and quality sources of information for those who are disadvantaged in our society. My lifelong goal is to be able to help to close the gap between information and disadvantaged populations. Though this blog has been created for a class I am currently taking, "Children's Materials and Services", I hope to incorporate other musings and information sprinkled throughout the required content for my course. Thanks for checking out my site. I hope you find it useful!


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