Real Talk: Evaluating a Selection of Graphic Novels from My Local Library
So for this evaluation I went to my county library's website to search the materials they offered. It is an extensive library system that provides services across a fairly large area so I wanted to see that there was not only quality graphic novels offered but also that there was decent quantity in good condition in order to best serve the population.
I narrowed down my search to fiction graphic novels for children. The search yielded over 2,000 results. I searched through about 55 pages to find the first 18 graphic novels that were of quality content. The last handful, I did a google search for popular graphic novels for kids. I wanted to see how many copies were offered of these as a lot of them are award winning. As the spread shows, the more popular the graphic novel, the copies that were available to the county at large.
I would say that I was impressed with the size of the collection. I have seen this collection spread out over five of the fourteen branches and each has a decent amount in proportion to the size of the actual facility. Headquarters and Eastern Branch are the largest so duplicate copies of popular graphic novels were found there.
I was disappointed, however, in how difficult it was to locate quality graphic novels using the search. In addition, there was no curated list offered for good graphic novels for different age groups of children. There was, however, a curated list of good fiction. I think with the growing popularity of the graphic novel as well as its functionality of it as a source of quality reading for reluctant reader, there should be an offering of popular and quality graphic novels available.
I enjoyed this project and hope to actually read most if not all of the titles on the list so that I can offer more to an interested patron.
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